lundi 2 mai 2022

Telegram Premium beta goes live on iOS, offers exclusive stickers and reactions

Telegram is one of the most feature-packed instant messaging apps out there. Since its inception, Telegram’s funding has largely come out of the pocket of Pavel Durov, the founder of the service. But as the service continues to amass new users and climbs new heights of success, the start-up is now looking for ways to monetize the platform. Last year, Telegram started testing Sponsored Messages (read advertisements) in public channels with more than 1000 subscribers. Now the company appears to be readying another monetization tool that may soon ask users to pay to unlock additional features.

Telegram recently rolled out version 8.7.2 beta on iOS, and it introduces a new subscription plan called Telegram Premium. The subscription will give users access to premium stickers and unlock exclusive reactions. Telegram hasn’t shared more details about the new program, including its pricing and exact availability.

Telegram Premium reactions Telegram Premium stickers Telegram on iOS with a blue button at the bottom asking users to subscribe to Telegram Premium Telegram Premium banner

At the time being, Telegram Premium is exclusive to the iOS app, but it will likely expand to Android too once the wider rollout ensues. Android Police notes that premium stickers won’t be visible to free users in conversations. Instead, they will see a banner telling them to “unlock additional reactions by subscribing to Telegram Premium.”

Telegram’s subscription plan looks similar to Discord’s paid offering, which gives users perks like custom animated emoji, additional personalization features, and bigger uploads.

As mentioned already, Telegram hasn’t fully detailed the Premium plan. However, we expect to hear more from the company about its new subscription program soon. iOS users can try out Telegram v8.7.2 beta using TestFlight.

Telegram recently picked up a big update, introducing several new features such as custom notification sounds, custom mute durations, an auto-delete menu in profiles, and more.

What are your thoughts about Telegram Premium? Do you see yourself paying a monthly fee for perks like exclusive stickers and reactions? Let us know in the comments below. 

Source: Telegram Beta channel

Via: Android Police

The post Telegram Premium beta goes live on iOS, offers exclusive stickers and reactions appeared first on XDA.

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